Solving the Puzzle Under the Sea: Marie Tharp Maps the Ocean Floor

對象:K-9 年級
作者 Robert Burleigh (Author), Raúl Colón (Illustrator)
Filled with gorgeous illustrations by acclaimed artist Ra l Col n, this illustrated biography shares the story of female scientist, Marie Tharp, a pioneering woman scientist and the first person to ever successfully map the ocean floor.
Marie Tharp was always fascinated by the ocean. Taught to think big by her father who was a mapmaker, Marie wanted to do something no one had ever done before: map the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Was it even possible? Not sure if she would succeed, Marie decided to give it a try.
Throughout history, others had tried and failed to measure the depths of the oceans. Sailors lowered weighted ropes to take measurements. Even today, scientists are trying to measure the depth by using echo sounder machines to track how long it would take a sound wave sent from a ship to the sea floor to come back. But for Marie, it was like piecing together an immense jigsaw puzzle.
Despite past failures and challenges–sometimes Marie would be turned away from a ship because having a woman on board was “bad luck”–Marie was determined to succeed. And she did, becoming the first person to chart the ocean floor, helping us better understand the planet we call home.
這本插圖傳記充滿了著名藝術家Ra l Col n 創作的精美插圖,講述了女科學家瑪麗·撒普(Marie Tharp) 的故事,她是一位女科學家先驅,也是第一個成功繪製海底地圖的人。